
Consulting Services on Construction Sector

Along with the real estate sector, Construction is one of the sectors with the most volatile legal environment in Vietnam, which is understandable because nowadays the demand for urban infrastructure development is very large. With rapid development and urbanization, construction activities take place everywhere to meet the increasing needs of people. Construction legislation also has changes to match reality.

Nowadays, construction activities, rights and obligations of organizations and individuals investing and constructing works are specified in the Law on Construction and its subordinate documents. However, along with these development and change are legal risks arising from the continuous change of the legislations, which may affect investors and those who are in need of building house.

Violations also do not stop at the construction of individual housing projects, but large projects and large projects also generate many violations. This situation is due to the lack of understanding of the construction laws or the lack of strict and deterrent sanctions in this sector.

Therefore, it is not easy to understand and apply the construction laws in practice. In order to avoid unnecessary risks and violations, the assistance of lawyers is extremely necessary, in order to bring the legal provisions to approach to individuals - organizations, and ensure the legal rights and interests of customers.

Cases where lawyers regularly provide advice on construction legal matters

    1/ Advice on Regulations on Private Housing Construction

-   In case of having to apply for a construction permit when building a house;

-   In case of not having to apply for a construction permit;

In case of having to apply for a construction permit when renovating, upgrading or expanding a house construction work;

Advising on administrative procedures related to the application for a construction permit;

Advising for licensing in difficult cases: Located in the planning area, suspended planning, etc.;

Complaint consultation for cases of deliberately making it difficult or causing difficulties in administrative management in construction

2/  Advising on Construction Regulations of Large Projects and Works

-   Advising on rights and obligations of investors in construction design;

 -   Advising on rights and obligations of construction design contractors;

 -   Advising the role of the investor when constructing the work;

-   Advising on rights and obligations of construction contractors;

-   Advising on rights and obligations of construction design contractors;

-   Advising on procedures for demolition of construction works;

-   Advising on the role of the investor in supervising the construction of works;

-   Advising on the role of construction supervision contractors;

-   Advising on conditions for granting construction supervision certificates;

-   Advising on procedures for acceptance of construction works;

-   Advising on payment and settlement of construction investment projects;

-   Advising on construction contracts, compensation for construction contracts;

Advising on capacity conditions of organizations and individuals engaged in construction activities;

-   Advising on regulations on construction practice certificates, etc.

3/ Advising on Completion Procedures, Settlement of Construction Disputes

-   Advising documents, solving problems in the process of completing construction               procedures;

 -   Advising on resolving disputes for adjacent households, construction disputes, etc.

4/ Advising on Sanctions, Administrative Penalties for Construction Violations

-   Advising on administrative penalties for violations in construction;

Advising on how to apply aggravating and mitigating circumstances, and how to ask for a reduction in the penalty for violations.

-   Advising on whether such violations lead to criminal prosecution



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Real Estate & Construction

Real estate and construction present unique challenge that require legal counsel from experienced lawyers who consistently obtain favorable results for their clients in both business and real estate disputes and transactions.
Real estate and construction present unique challenge that require legal counsel from experienced lawyers who consistently obtain favorable results for their clients in both business and real estate disputes and transactions.
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(84)-24-379 55666